
How Do I Go To The Actual Tumblr Blog




RESCUES, RESCUE VOLUNTEERS AND DOG BLOGS, especially in the East Coast of the USA and rescues specializing in shepherds and shepherds mixes, BEWARE. SHARE.SPREAD AWARENESS.

No stray dog deserves the kind of treatment his training entails. No shelter should be tricked into releasing dogs to be fostered or trained by individual Augusto De Oliveira or Griffin Shepherd Kennels, based out of Hanson, Massachusetts.

This man's kennel is currently quarantined for an outbreak of parvo-virus. He is a heavy handed corrections based trainer who believes in liver jabs, leash jerks and WATER DEPRIVATION as a form of training to shut dogs down.

How can you say you will sacrifice time and money to help dogs in need when your own kennel needs to be sanitized, dogs vaccinated to be up to the standard of law (Rabies), dogs need to be retested for parvo contamination, buyers who have been injured by you need to be refunded, still? For more evidence, take a look at our blog, The Truth about Griffin Shepherd Kennels and Griffin Shepherd Kennels EXPOSED.


(via cynological)


Resources Please!



So, I've had a fear reactive (correct terminology?) dog for about two and a half years and have made serious strides even with the relaxed minimal training I do and I use ALL positive reinforcement. No shock/prong collars, no physical "corrections" like "bobs" to the head or whatever; none of that. I use to be really well versed in how to train and treat a wide variety of problem behaviors but since I haven't done serious training in awhile rusty.

Which would be fine but I know this girl. THIS GIRL, oh my god. She recently got a reactive dog and is making her dog worse because she knows ABSOLUTELY nothing about basic obedience training let alone dealing with a reactive dog. Here's an example of a Facebook post she made -

"Finally cut Riley's (her dog) nails. Nathan had to hold her down and hold her mouth shut, but we were able to do it. Gave her lots of treats and love when we were done so hopefully she'll learn to associate getting her nails trimmed with treats."

No, no oh my god stop. On top of that her dog bites, each bite getting more severe. She takes this dog in public places all the time.

I know that this can be handled and that this is treatable but she has no clue how. I try to help her but I need more than just my word to back up how to train her dog. I need actual resources. Some of her dog's problems are

Biting when she's touched, meeting new people, hands are put over her head, hands in general.

Potty training

Separation anxiety

Basic obedience

So, I'm asking you tumblr! Could you refer some great resources I can give to her? Preferably something I can print off and give to her and are credible.

Also, if she continues down the path she's on I KNOW for a fact that that dog will hurt someone. How do I warn her that that is a very real possibility and the consequences are very serious? And how do I tell her every bite, no matter how small, is a very big deal and should be taken seriously? Her favorite phrase is "Well, she's acting normal now so it's okay."

I don't want to be noisy, but I also don't want the dog to get put down, somebody get hurt, or this girl get sued for negligence.

Positive reinforcement resources only please!

Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) by Grisha Stewart. And that dog needs a professional behaviorist stat, and a muzzle in public.

I don't know what the laws are in your state, but lots of them require euthanasia after a certain number of reported bites.

Do you know a good site to look up laws like that?

(via ofwordsandwaltzes)


pomofo asked: Hi there! I came across your post while browsing dog training things (I'm a professional r+ trainer by day), and I have some links that might be helpful if you still need resources. Sounds like that girl needs professional help ASAP. Good luck! I can't post the links in an ask, but search these terms and the official sites will come right up: Patricia McConnell's Reading Room, 4 Paws University, Behavioral Adjustment Training (BAT)

Thank you so much!


Resources Please!

So, I've had a fear reactive (correct terminology?) dog for about two and a half years and have made serious strides even with the relaxed minimal training I do and I use ALL positive reinforcement. No shock/prong collars, no physical "corrections" like "bobs" to the head or whatever; none of that. I use to be really well versed in how to train and treat a wide variety of problem behaviors but since I haven't done serious training in awhile rusty.

Which would be fine but I know this girl. THIS GIRL, oh my god. She recently got a reactive dog and is making her dog worse because she knows ABSOLUTELY nothing about basic obedience training let alone dealing with a reactive dog. Here's an example of a Facebook post she made -

"Finally cut Riley's (her dog) nails. Nathan had to hold her down and hold her mouth shut, but we were able to do it. Gave her lots of treats and love when we were done so hopefully she'll learn to associate getting her nails trimmed with treats."

No, no oh my god stop. On top of that her dog bites, each bite getting more severe. She takes this dog in public places all the time.

I know that this can be handled and that this is treatable but she has no clue how. I try to help her but I need more than just my word to back up how to train her dog. I need actual resources. Some of her dog's problems are

Biting when she's touched, meeting new people, hands are put over her head, hands in general.

Potty training

Separation anxiety

Basic obedience

So, I'm asking you tumblr! Could you refer some great resources I can give to her? Preferably something I can print off and give to her and are credible.

Also, if she continues down the path she's on I KNOW for a fact that that dog will hurt someone. How do I warn her that that is a very real possibility and the consequences are very serious? And how do I tell her every bite, no matter how small, is a very big deal and should be taken seriously? Her favorite phrase is "Well, she's acting normal now so it's okay."

I don't want to be noisy, but I also don't want the dog to get put down, somebody get hurt, or this girl get sued for negligence.

Positive reinforcement resources only please!



do you ever type a long rant and then at the end of it you select all of it and delete it because no one cares

(Source: guy, via thelittlestarshine)



I'm so super pissed right now. Last night I made a very informative post trying to help someone and it has mysteriously disappeared!! It just took me so long to write and I felt I had a lot of useful tips but yeah…. I have no clue what happened. :c

I know what happened because it happened again tonight. I made my post WAY too long.




Weight Pulling

  • Weight pulling is a sport that dogs and their owners can get involved in for fun, and exercise.
  • The most important quality of any dog who pulls, is willingness.
  • Dog must also be at least 1 year old, but no older than 12, to prevent injury.
  • Any size dog can participate! Toy Poodles are great contenders.
  • Dogs must be fit with a proper, comfortable, weight pull harness.
  • The objective of a competition is to see which dogs (within their weight class) can pull the most weight 16 feet within one minute.
  • The weight vehicles operate either on wheels, on snow or on a rail system.
  • All breeds (even mixed) may compete. Most common are the malamutes, huskies, rottweilers and pit bulls.
  • Any abuse toward your dog will disqualify you, and you are asked to leave. Any situations deemed dangerous for the dog will be corrected, or the dog will be disqualified. You cannot coerce your dog to pull. It is up to his willingness and just between you and him.
  • The dog pulling the most weight in its class is declared the winner.
  • There are many different associations that handle these events. All are built around the safety of the dogs.
  1. International Weight Pull Association
  2. United Kennel Club
  3. American Pulling Alliance
  4. National Working Dog Association

{malamute weight pull}{french bulldog weight pull}{samoyed sled pull}{leonberger cart pull}{bernese mountain dog cart pull} {malamute weight pull}{saint bernard weight pull}{staffordshire bull terrier weight pull}

just a note: the carts being pulled here by the leonbergers and the Bernese mountain dog is known as drafting, and it is a separate activity from weight pulling.

it doesn't seem like a big difference, but the rules for drafting/carting are very different and the sport itself involves obedience as well. you can read more about drafting here in the BMDCA drafting rules and regulations. and here is another page with more links.

and really just to reiterate what was already said in case anyone missed it or ignored it, willingness is important, and you are generally not allowed to touch or use food/objects to coerce a dog to pull during events, and dogs that don't want to pull are not forced. force is against the rules in either sport and i think not enough people understand that.

So, this is gonna seem random but the idea just popped into my head.

In short, my dog has a huge pulling problem when he walks on a leash and won't take treats so when I try to keep him close to me or just not pull as hard (using various harness and head halty things) it doesn't really work because he won't take treats.

So, would it be wrong or cruel or inappropriate to buy a comfortable harness and pull a little bit of weight while we walked if I wasn't like dragging him around and he was still in front of or right behind me?? And would it make it so he gets a little bit more tired when I walk him the same distance? I don't really see how it would bother him (unless he was afraid of whatever he was pulling) but if it was okay, and I did do it, how would I know that he is willing?

(via cynological)


Dog training reflections


  • Forgive your dog for mistakes. He's not trying to be stubborn, he just doesn't know what you want.
  • It's never the dog's fault. If you didn't proof a behavior in every setting under the sun and every circumstance, that's your problem.
  • Sometimes your command will fail. This…

(via )

How Do I Go To The Actual Tumblr Blog


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